
Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities


Premier Sponsor

Full table (10 guests) if in-person event is possible
Premier logo placement on Gala promotions
Logo on one round of Champagne Roulette glasses
Premier acknowledgement in written communication with participants
Website & social media recognition
Ad spot during virtual event
MC recognition, VIP check-in, VIP parking


Logan Peak
4 Gala tickets if in-person event is possible
Logo on Gala promotions
Logo on one round of Champagne Roulette glasses
Acknowledgement in written communication with participants
Website & social media recognition
MC recognition & VIP check-in

Naomi Peak
6 Gala tickets if in-person event is possible
Logo on Gala promotions
Logo on one round of Champagne Roulette glasses
Acknowledgement in written communication with participants
Banner on screen during virtual program
Website & social media recognition
MC recognition & VIP check-in


Temple Peak
2 Gala tickets if in-person event is possible
Logo on Gala promotions
Acknowledgement in written communication with participants
Website & social media recognition
MC recognition & VIP check-in

Individual Sponsorship Opportunities


Two Gala Tickets if live event is possible
Acknowledgement in program
Website & social media
MC Recognition
VIP Check-In


Full Table (10 guests) if live event is possible, or 10 meals for your own watch party
Acknowledgement in program
Website & social media
MC Recognition
VIP Check-In and parking


Donate to our live or silent auction